Wednesday, May 4, 2011

American-Sized Boobs

Years ago, I attended university in the USA, and I immediately noticed the scale of things was different.  There was, in some restaurants, unlimited refills of beverages.  Coffee sizes were "tall," "grande," and "venti"!  And the girls of America were better endowed than me.  And not adverse to showing their assets.  Very visibly.

Anyway, I was distressed at my inconspicuousness, being immature at the time and not worldly like I am now.  So I prayed to the Boob Fairy for help in the boob department.  I asked for American-sized boobs.  I was a virtuous girl, and deserved it.  I also prayed to Saint Agatha, who specialized in matters regarding the contents of soutien-gorges.

And,  since I was reasonably virtuous, she came to me in a dream and granted me my wish:  American-sized boobies!

That was the story I told my niece upon returning to France when she noticed that I had become more fuller than when she saw me last.  She apparently believed it; and it spared both her parents and I one awkward moment!


  1. Ha ha ha! A great story for a little niece. Not a matter for the confessional!

  2. If those are yours, I'd take the opportunity to display them often. I'm envious, yes!

  3. Here in North Dakota, the prospect of displaying one's tits is only theoretical.
