Monday, August 26, 2013

Marriage, French-Style

In France, in order to be considered legally married, one must undergo a civil ceremony.  Afterwards, couples could have a religious ceremony, if they wish; but only the civil ceremony is recognized by law.

A large number of couples forego both, and live together in a free relationship.  In America, this is referred to as "shacking up."  Actually, with the decline of religion in Europe, religious ceremonies are on the eclipse. 

While the magistrate can look formidable in his sash, and many are very skilled in making it impressive, there is still the sense that one must also have the religious ceremony in order to be truly wedded.  Legality is not enough.

Yes!  The proper white wedding dress, the church setting, the solemn words of the priest, the vows, the candles, the rice thrown, and the post-wedding picture of all attendees.  And, yes, the bells! 

Usually, no whistles.

I am pleased to mention that the American custom of removing the  bride's garter, and throwing it to the unmarried boys, has not caught on.  However, in Gascony the groom does remove the bride's panties and throw those!  I'm glad that we will not do that!


  1. Sounds like a very obvious symbolic deflowering ritual, this throwing of panties. But then the same can be said for tossing the garter.

  2. Wearing that for the wedding night would be a wonderful surprise for the groom!

  3. Tossing the bride's panties sounds like a wonderful custom that we should adopt in the U.S.A.!

  4. I could see a much larger fight breaking out over panties compared to the garter.

  5. I think I'm going to move to Gascony.

  6. Coming to my BIG-ol,
    John Belushi, party-hardy
    in illustrious Seventh-Heaven:
    which YOU sooo deserve ..??

    ...yet, gotta quit materialism
    N whorizontal vanity: God's Rules
    aint crippling; sin is crippling.

    Yes, earthling, Im an NDE,
    I know now s'up... literally.
    God bless you with discernment.
    Make Your Choice -SAW
